Economy: The most important sectors of Sweden’s economy in 2016 were public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (21.5 %), industry (19.9 %) and wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (17.9 %).
Sweden’s main export partners are Norway, Germany, and the UK, while its main import partners are Germany, Norway, and the Netherlands.
Exports: The top exports of Sweden are Cars ($11.9B), Refined Petroleum ($10B), Packaged Medicaments ($6.9B), Vehicle Parts($5.6B), and Broadcasting Equipment ($3.74B). http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/swe/#Exports
Imports:The top imports of Sweden are Cars ($8.81B), Crude Petroleum ($8.75B), Refined Petroleum ($6.87B), Vehicle Parts ($6.42B), and Broadcasting Equipment ($5.17B).
- Total EU spending in Sweden: € 1.814 billion
- Total EU spending as % of Swedish gross national income (GNI): 0.38%
- Total Swedish contribution to the EU budget: € 3.303 billion
- Swedish Contribution to the EU budget as % of its GNI: 0.70%