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EU – Canada Tech Business Day!

EU – Canada Tech Business Day!

EU – Canada Tech Business Day!

EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West in partnership with EUCCAN (the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Canada) and the Canada EU Trade and Investment Association (CEUTIA), is pleased to invite you to the EU – Canada Tech Business Day. EU-Canada trade, investment and partnership opportunities and challenges in the clean-tech, med-tech and agri-tech sectors will be in focus. We will welcome public and private officials from both Europe and Canada for panel discussions dedicated to each sector. This event will also give European and Canadian companies in the three sectors, the chance to network. It will also provide the opportunity for European businesses to meet Canadian federal and provincial officials, and Canadian companies to meet representatives of EU countries, to support their market expansion.

May 27th – Times in EST/CET/PST (9:00/15:00/6:00)